Boots to Prairie Roots

Tiny Living. Holistic Wellness. Regenerative Agriculture.

Tag: wellness

  • Embracing Tallow: Uncovering Its Hidden Potential

    At every event or farmer’s market we attend, we often inquire of customers, “Have you ever used tallow before?” Typically, the response is negative, prompting us to explain its nature and significance. In this post, I aim to delve into the underlying importance of tallow. Throughout history, civilization has employed tallow for various purposes, owing…

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  • Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Weeks 2-3

    Wow! It’s been awhile since the last post. Unfortunately, Presley and I ran into a bit of bad luck (will cover in the next post), but I wanted to follow up with my experience from the last 3-weeks I did my raw-milk fast. After week one, my BM’s steadied back to one per day for…

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  • Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Week 1

    I will be doing a raw milk fast for 21 days and I have just completed week 1. This will be my second time doing the fast, and before I did it for one full week. I’m doing a raw milk fast because I had been eating like garbage over the last few weeks and…

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