Boots to Prairie Roots

Tiny Living. Holistic Wellness. Regenerative Agriculture.


We hope you follow along and support us on our journey from military life to life on the prairie as we work towards our goal of becoming regenerative bison ranchers!

The latest in our journey…

2022’s Last Send Off to the Mundells

I woke up when I heard Presley get up to use the bathroom which encouraged me to get out of bed. I was jolted awake when I heard Presley exclaim, “Our house flooded!”

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Austen’s 21-Day Raw Milk Fast – Weeks 2-3

Wow! It’s been awhile since the last post, but I wanted to follow up with my experience from the last 3-weeks I did my raw-milk fast.

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Austen’s 21-Day Raw Milk Fast – Week 1

I (Austen) will be doing a raw milk fast for 21 days and I have just completed week 1. Check out this post if your interested in learning more about raw milk fasting and my experience.

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