Boots to Prairie Roots

Tiny Living. Holistic Wellness. Regenerative Agriculture.

Tag: raw milk fast

  • Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Weeks 2-3

    Wow! It’s been awhile since the last post. Unfortunately, Presley and I ran into a bit of bad luck (will cover in the next post), but I wanted to follow up with my experience from the last 3-weeks I did my raw-milk fast. After week one, my BM’s steadied back to one per day for…

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  • Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Week 1

    I will be doing a raw milk fast for 21 days and I have just completed week 1. This will be my second time doing the fast, and before I did it for one full week. I’m doing a raw milk fast because I had been eating like garbage over the last few weeks and…

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