Boots to Prairie Roots

Tiny Living. Holistic Wellness. Regenerative Agriculture.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Pure Simplicity: The Plain Jane Soap Bar

    Our Plain Jane soap bar contains only tallow, lye, and water. In a previous post, I discussed the longstanding use of tallow in various products, spanning thousands of years. This enduring popularity is attributable to its rich array of essential vitamins and its gentle nature on our skin. Finding Relief for Delicate Skin We consistently…

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  • Embracing Tallow: Uncovering Its Hidden Potential

    At every event or farmer’s market we attend, we often inquire of customers, “Have you ever used tallow before?” Typically, the response is negative, prompting us to explain its nature and significance. In this post, I aim to delve into the underlying importance of tallow. Throughout history, civilization has employed tallow for various purposes, owing…

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  • 2022’s Last Send Off to the Mundell’s

    By Austen As promised, here is the ‘saga’ of what Presley and I had to deal with since New Years which will hopefully explain why the lack of content. We traveled to visit family during the Christmas holiday. This was the first time some of my side of the family met our daughter, Emerald, for…

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  • Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Weeks 2-3

    Wow! It’s been awhile since the last post. Unfortunately, Presley and I ran into a bit of bad luck (will cover in the next post), but I wanted to follow up with my experience from the last 3-weeks I did my raw-milk fast. After week one, my BM’s steadied back to one per day for…

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  • Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Week 1

    I will be doing a raw milk fast for 21 days and I have just completed week 1. This will be my second time doing the fast, and before I did it for one full week. I’m doing a raw milk fast because I had been eating like garbage over the last few weeks and…

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  • Journey to Bison – Presley’s Story

    Hey, it’s Presley here! Let me tell you, from my perspective, how our wellness story and bison journey began and where we are today. My background I am from a busy suburb of Sacramento – a town where everything is at your fingertips, bustling, and always growing. I grew up in this type of environment,…

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  • Austen’s Story

    I have been in the United States Air Force for going on 10 years and plan to get out in the Fall of 2023. It was during a deployment overseas I realized I wasn’t enjoying my job as much as I had hoped. However, I tried to keep a positive attitude in hopes the next…

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