Boots to Prairie Roots

Tiny Living. Holistic Wellness. Regenerative Agriculture.

Austen’s 21-Day Milk Fast – Weeks 2-3

Wow! It’s been awhile since the last post. Unfortunately, Presley and I ran into a bit of bad luck (will cover in the next post), but I wanted to follow up with my experience from the last 3-weeks I did my raw-milk fast.

After week one, my BM’s steadied back to one per day for the remainder of the month. In case you wanted to know more about a stranger’s BM’s, they turned pale to white! It startled me at first, but since I didn’t feel any stress or negative side effects, I continued with the fast. During this whole fast, I paid close attention to how I felt and I always asked myself if something was off. The entire month I felt great! My energy levels were fine, and I still had zero cravings. As long as I had my 1-gallon of milk per day I was sound as a pound!

Although, I’d like to be completely transparent, I did not exercise during this fast at all. I don’t think 1-gallon would have been enough for me if I had been exercising. Me personally, I would probably start with 2-gallons per day and determine if I needed more after a day or two of exercise.

Please feel free to reach out with your own raw milk fast experiences or questions! Take care everyone!

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